In the consultation, the employees of Funeral Home Müllner try to fulfill your wishes and needs within the scope of the legal possibilities.
Questions will automatically arise here:
When a person dies, those who loved him mourn him, but each in his own personal way. One looks for solitude, another for community.
Again and again the idea arises to ignore the sometimes exhausting way of publicly announcing death. On the principle “It will only get worse”. The expression of this attitude is the anonymous burial.
A person is just gone. But later we see that we missed something that we can not undo.
Nobody leaves us without leaving a trace.
The obituary notice is the most common written notice of death. As a rule, the age of the person concerned is announced, as well as the place and time of the funeral. Design and content are subject to contemporary tastes that keep changing.
In the consultation we help our customers to write the obituary notice, memorial pictures and thank you cards and print them on site. A preprint facilitates the correct selection.
The question of burial or cremation depends on personal considerations. The focus is on whether the deceased has made a disposition. If this is not the case, the bereaved decide.
It is the traditional form of burial. There is mainly a psychological aspect that speaks in favor of a burial. A person is visibly placed in the coffin in the ground and one can later come to the grave knowing that the deceased is resting there in peace.
Is more and more on the rise.
May be hygienic. The decomposition will take place quickly.
Somewhat cheaper compared to burial.
When the bereaved relatives move, the ashes can easily be taken with them.